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I've got a story for that...

Harriet Lanka
Oct 5, 20249 min read
Backstory 11: Coming back to life...
It has been 7 months since I last wrote in this space. And it certainly feels like a lifetime ago, as so much has unfolded since...
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Harriet Lanka
Feb 9, 20245 min read
BACKSTORY 10: Being okay with not being okay
My life uncertain and out of whack. And…that’s okay. And I’ve never written those words before in my entire life, so it feels both scary...
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Harriet Lanka
Jan 8, 20246 min read
BACKSTORY 9: The plot twist you didn't see coming
Hello! And welcome to the first ALIGNED backstory of the year 2024! I love firsts. And this story is a big one... Whenever and wherever...
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Harriet Lanka
Dec 3, 202320 min read
BACKSTORY 8: ThanksChristmas and preparing for a sabbatical
If you know me, you know bits and pieces of this story already. But I don’t think I’ve ever shared this much of it publicly. Until now....
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Harriet Lanka
Nov 21, 202312 min read
BACKSTORY 7: Sharing my journey at Morpho in Costa Rica
It was November 17th, 2023 around 6:30pm on a Friday evening, and there I was standing up in front of a small crowd in the outdoor palapa...
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Harriet Lanka
Oct 22, 202328 min read
BACKSTORY 6: From the Love of Dogs
Settle in, this is a long backstory. And maybe a tearjerker. It was to write it that’s for sure. I believe life is a big playing field...
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Harriet Lanka
Oct 10, 20239 min read
BACKSTORY 5: Starting over in Costa Rica
I didn’t choose to move to Costa Rica, I chose to take a 5 month sabbatical to write and explore myself in December 2012 and I started...
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Harriet Lanka
Sep 18, 202318 min read
Backstory 4: What happened for me on 9/11/01
This next story was hard to write and is rated more PG-13. I was inspired to re-visit this experience and write it out on September 11th,...
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Harriet Lanka
Sep 6, 20237 min read
BACKSTORY 3: Finding my life slogan
Moving to Boulder, Colorado for my second year of college was definitely an upgrade from the small college town of Clinton, NY. There...
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Harriet Lanka
Aug 29, 202312 min read
BACKSTORY 2: My first pimple
If you're someone who has been gifted clear and smooth skin most or all of your life, this story might not resonate. But if you've had...
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Harriet Lanka
Aug 27, 20235 min read
BACKSTORY 1: "The HBomb"
This is my first official backstory And I’m writing it as I’m in Park City, a few days after releasing my anchor Aligned story. The goal...
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